Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Two little Monkeys

Oh, My, how I wish the both of you were small again! i would do alot of things different, better and more memorable! You boys didn't have a bad life, you didnt have the best either, so many things that I would have done better. I miss the days of Gabriel being little and Aidan having no idea what school even was. I miss the days when the two fo you fighting didnt even exist.
I miss the "smell"Gabriel had as a baby! I miss the climbing into my bed at night when daddy was at work. I miss the teachings, and the feedings in the highchair and the afternoon naps when only a diaper was worn.

I am indeed a Blessed Mama though, you boys have made my life so much more of a meaning, then a chore. Although Mama has a short fuse at times, know this, I would do anything for you,and I mean anything. I want the two of you to always know this and carry it with you into your adulthood. I want you to give your children love and memories that myself and your Father gave you children years ago.

Stay Strong in God boys, don't ever let the ways of the world trick you, it has nothing but hurt, and lies! The world and whats in it changes everyday. But God is the same yesterday,today and forever.

Mama loves You Both!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

July 4th

This 4th of July, was to me one of the funnest yet to come. Not only do I have the most handsomest boys to walk this earth I am also blessed with adventous kids at that.

This day consisted of BBQing, fighting, clouds, a hope ful of rain and an awesome awesome way to end the night, fireworks galore and then to top it off we even had our own that we started to sample early, what can I say we are not patient people, we started about a week early and had to samle almost every other night. Aidan you were so intreged by the snakes and Gabriel your favorite was the sparklers, truth be told they freak me out.

So we are on the count down to school restarting I think that we are all excited not beczuse of school but also because that means our trip is coming closer and closer. And my dear Gabriel this means that this will be your first year experiencing DL by foot. No stroller for you Mister!!!

I guess I beter close this one for today new pictures need to get captured and new memories need to be made!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer Dayzzzz

Its July 1st 2011 and we hae already reached temps of 112 degrees, had one good raina nd the humitity is unbarable. But, as long as you have a cool snack to eat and a water hose to have outside, your days are perfect. At this oint in time if you want to be able to play outside you have to go out about 7 in the morning and with you and your brother and Nina recovering from your wild night of having a night morning that just won't happen.

Here is a good example of how Gabriel knows how to work oer the ladies. He should be digging the hole,but No he has someway managed to get out of it and poor Nina has to do it while you play with the water hose, you lucky duck you Gabriel!!

You kids make mama want to be a kid again. I miss not haing to worry about a thing, and I miss playing as my chore of the day. You boys are lucky to have eachother, lucky that your parents are madly in loe and that you have God fear, God serving people. Your dad and I want life to be simple and fun for you boys, we never want you to worry about anything other then fun.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My pabby wabby

The picture say's it all doesnt it? True its a pink guitar and stick but he gets it.... he gets it!!!

Look at that face such seriouslness and you can tell he's going to compose a good song, it ended with "this land is your land".. Gabriel , Honey, you don;t get any cuter then this...well you do, I just need to capture them in pictures.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Our Traditions

Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. I love having a family and having traditions for you boys to have and carry with you into your own family one day.

We always ,always go light hunting we drive around listening to Christmas music and look for houses with the best lights.

Every Christmas Eve its one I have done since I was a little girl myself. We have pizza for dinner, watch Polor Express or The Christmas story and end the night with opening 2 presents.

We usually cant get you to go to sleep for what seems like forever.

Even then at Thanksgiving time our tradition is getting out the tree, putting it together and together listening to Christmas music or something Christmasy.

Our Thanksgiving in my opinion are the best, I love the smells of the kitchen, from the turkey to making monkey bread for you kids in the morning for breakfast. Through out the day the house is warm and toasty and has a comfortble feeling that only God can bring us.Early Thanks giving morning mama wakes up starts the turkey, and puts on the parade for you kids, getting you to watch the parade and not fight is a different story, but still i wouldnt trade it for anything.

These memories son's are the ones I want you to carry with you until your own family comes along.

Keep your hearts open and you minds clear, we have alot of family traditions to unfold.

I Love you Aidan and I love you Gabriel

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Best Mothers Day Present

This picture is worth a thousand words. I love this, this was my Mother's Day present in 2011. Yor aunt B took these pictures. LOL ...I can't help but laugh a bit when I see the smile on my little Gabriels face. And Aidan over there showing how grown up he is. I am so proud of the both of you and I can't wait to see what you will become.
Seriously Gabriel I hope you never loose that smile and pose like attitiude. And Aida never let your heart shrink into anything,if possible let it your heart grow in GOD. be the strong back that will one day carry a household of your own.

But for right here, and right now, I LVOE YOU BOYS SO VERY MUCH, that is ONE thing that will never change.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Your night Morning

This here boy's is what you both call "a Night Morning" Aidan you came u with this i have no idea how. You both wait until we all go to bed and stay up watching t.v. and from what I hear an occassional snack here and there...... Aidan it figures you would be the creative mind behind something like this, you carry the creative badgge well my son.

This to me is the funny part, the older brother get the small couch, hanging half on and half off, because you are to long... and then......

gabriel the little brother gets the bigger couch how do yu figure? Gabriel is the smart one that knows how to play his cards right huh? This happens nearly all the time, which for me is the funny part.